Saturday, June 4, 2016

Go to the Metroparks

Kensington Metropark
The Metroparks are a jewel of beauty, curiosity and peaceful joy ringing around Detroit. Combined, they are 25,000 acres of natural communities, outdoor activities and reflective walks and paths. The Metroparks are a “Great Idea” of Detroit. They express our higher selves, deeper moorings and beautiful aspirations.

Leaf choked paths and crystal blue sky / lake mirrors are but a few of the images of the Metroparks. They offer hiking through emergent wetlands and hardwood forests. The Metroparks are an escape from forced and uniformed constraints. They are an expansive expression of our own complexity and variegation.

Stony Creek Metropark
Breathe in. Feel your heart rate accelerate in a fresh air fueled wooded swamp. Inhale the fermented and free flowing oxygen, products of the oaks and maples. Oxygen, the vintage elixir, a secret of the species, has been distilled for thousands of years. Consider the millions, intoxicated for millennia before you.

Associate with the earthy class. Belong by yourself. Isolated from existential woe, find a solitary group of coalescence. Belong to the gathering, the path to yourself is wooded and serene.

The great ideas come from our natural instincts, our capacity to wonder and reflect and spirit of determination. We make the natural wonder exist. Simply go there to see what you have created. Let your splendor underfold in the quiet of natural vistas and greener places.

Indian Springs Metropark
Go out to the Metroparks.

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